Healing and Evolving from Relationship Loss

photo courtesy of Marian Kraus

photo courtesy of Marian Kraus

The grief and pain of losing a loved one or a relationship can be excruciating and terrifying, confusing and overwhelming. It can feel like it will never pass.

When we enter into intimate relationship we merge and bond on so many levels - we become energetically intertwined, our nervous system becomes tuned to our partner, our rhythms and habits are created around the other, we get used to a certain physical presence.

When that relationship is severed we must detach and recalibrate our physical, energetic, mental and emotional self on deep levels. It can be incredibly disorienting, painful, unwanted, and challenging.

If you’ve recently experienced a loss or break up you may still be in the initial shock, where you are having trouble concentrating, your emotions are out of control, grief hits you constantly, and your memory is shot.

You may feel drained and enervated, not sure how you’ll get through the day, meet your responsibilities. All you want to do is take to your bed, go into the “cave”, lick your wounds. Or, all you want to do is distract yourself, stay busy, be with people so you don’t have to be with yourself.

You may be a little further along where you feel a bit more stable but you can’t seem to move on, can’t imagine your future without your partner or loved one. You may wonder if you'll ever feel joy, or peace, and especially love again...and if a break-up wasn't your choice, how you'll forgive.

I have worked with many people suffering from devastating break-ups, illnesses, and death. I have gone through deeply painful loss myself. There is help available that can help you heal more consciously, deeply, and maybe with a bit more ease, from these kinds of losses.  

I work with a system I’ve developed called the 10 Rhythm Path. This is not a linear path. Grief and healing are not a linear process. More like a winding road, or spiral path where we double back, revisit emotions, go deeper, go further, fall back, sink down, and then forward again.

The components of the 10 Rhythms are these states of being:

  1. Reckoning - coming to terms with what is

  2. Presencing - staying connected to yourself and your body

  3. Summoning - calling in Allies

  4. Protecting - creating sacred space to do the healing work

  5. Allowing - letting what is be so in order to begin healing

  6. Understanding - the work of knowing and truth

  7. Releasing - the deeper process of letting go

  8. Invoking - calling in higher guidance to know your new path

  9. Evolving - taking the path of evolution and transformation

  10. Thriving - refining your ability to receive and live what new life awaits you

We start wherever you are on this path, you may even be in several places simultaneously. We work through and with each one, exploring the nature of each rhythm, how it feels in you physically, emotionally, and spiritually, learning how each rhythm can support and resource you.

Imagine this:

We connect, I say a blessing for the session, and we both light the sage that is part of the healing gifts you receive with our work together. We smudge ourselves and our space.

We take a flower essence together, tuning ourselves to each other and the work to come, and anoint ourselves with essential oils. All of which are part of the gifts you receive when committing to working with me.

I sit in deep presence with you while you share your story, tell me about your loss. I offer guidance and help through it. You are seen, and you are heard. The healing time begins.

The most powerful aspects of the healing sessions, besides deep Presence, are Energy healing and Sound healing. They are powerful and profound modalities that move you through the experience more quickly, with deeper healing and transformation than what most traditional therapies can offer.  They can be a part of each session.

Everyone is different with regards to how they move through the grieving time, and in how much support they need.

 Sessions are $165 per session - some may run an hour, some longer. It all evens out over time. I don’t think deep work should be stopped just because the clock says so. It’s more important that the process started in a session is honored and given a chance to complete in its own rhythm.

If you are having financial difficulties but are feeling drawn to work with me and are truly committed to your healing journey, please let me know and we can work out a fee that supports us both.

For now these sessions will be done virtually via Zoom. While I prefer in person sessions most of all, the healing work is just as powerful either way. You will have access to professional recordings of my gongs to listen to while I'm doing the healing work if you find that supportive.  

If you have questions or want to set up sessions with me, please fill out this form with your contact information and I’ll get back to you promptly.  I so look forward to hearing from you and supporting you in a deep, powerful, well supported healing journey through this important time.