
                               Preparation for

Surgery or Procedures



Facing any kind of medical procedure can be frightening, confusing, and stressful.  

You may feel like you're losing control over your body and what happens to it. You may be afraid of going under anesthesia, worried about pain, or not trusting the outcome of the procedure.

You may wish you had more support going into the experience. You may have doubts about whether your body is strong enough to come through the procedure in a good way.  You may be afraid of needles, of being around those who are sick, or fearful of the whole medical environment.  You may be afraid you won't heal properly afterwards. 

Even shorter outpatient surgery can be stressful and frightening.

My Surgery Support sessions are designed to increase your chances of a positive experience and the healing outcome you desire, and to give you extra support before the procedure.  I have found using energetic support work to prepare you and your body for the procedure is incredibly effective in creating a confident, easeful, and powerful healing experience. 

Remarkably, I have found that working directly with the organs that will be affected by surgery increases the opportunity for a good outcome.  It's a respectful, conscious way to prepare your body for what it will experience. 

In addition, working with your fears, looking at emotional blocks and triggers that may be stored in your body, especially the areas associated with the procedure, and clearing them, can do wonders to prepare your mind, body, and emotions for this experience.  

What I have found is patients go into their surgery or procedure much calmer and more prepared.  The procedures  typically go as well as planned and hoped for, or better.  And recovery time is faster than expected, even cutting down hospital stay time.

For a sense of what this kind of work can do here is my client, Francesca Cantarini's experience:

"For my entire life I was uncomfortable with my breasts.  They never seemed to fit me or my life.  A friend of mine had a breast reduction.  When she told me about her experience and how her life changed for the better after the surgery I decided to go for a consultation.  The doctor was an wonderful man and made me feel comfortable enough to elect to have the surgery.  I was excited and clear about my decision, but worried and nervous about the process and healing.

That's where Kathryn came in.  We worked together on the emotional weight I carried in my chest.  We worked to honor my body the way it was and to let go of any resistance I might have retained in my body.  We prepared emotionally, physically, and spiritually so my energy was clear going into surgery. 

We acknowledged that a weight would literally be lifted off my chest during the surgery and I would need to be prepared emotionally for the impending vulnerability I may feel.  My experience was amazing.  The surgery went perfectly, I was calm, the doctors were kind and invested, and my healing was seamless.  I had little bruising, no bleeding, minimal scarring, and very little pain.  I was back to work in a week. 

Afterward Kathryn continued to guide me through the process of coming into my new body.  I have never been happier or healthier.  My work with Kathryn unequivocally helped make my surgery a success."  

The Surgery Preparation package is 2 sessions - the first is 60 minutes, and the second one is 30 minutes.  This gives us time to go deeper into what your needs are in the first session and also do the energetic support work.  The second one continues the emotional and physical support and gets you ready to go into surgery.  

The cost for both sessions is $185

If you’d like support after the procedure we can set up additional sessions to enhance your healing process. They are $130 for an hour, and we can do any increments of an hour - more or less- that feel right to you.

All sessions are done via Zoom.

Fill out the form below to connect with me about your interest in being supported through your upcoming procedure, and I’ll look forward to speaking with you.